Older people in a group

Nature Through Technology with Age UK

Working in partnership with Age UK Kent Rivers to connect with nature through technology.


Research has shown that engaging with nature improves wellbeing and when access to the real thing is limited, using technology to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the natural world can be beneficial. Many of Age UK’s service users are, for various reasons, unable to get out into green spaces regularly, so bringing the natural world to them provides a significant boost to mental health.

A member of NWKCP staff visits the Meadowside Day Centre once a month to help the service users connect with nature through technology. To aid their connection with nature, we have installed two live cameras at the centre. One bird feeder camera and one internal nest box camera. These can be viewed live at any time, on the large television screen inside the centre.

We have also deployed some motion activated cameras outside the day centre. We started with a camera trap watching a bird bath, and the subjects have become more inventive as the project continues. In Autumn 2023 we enjoyed watching squirrels solving a maze. In 2024 we started testing the intelligence of the local foxes with custom made puzzles, including a game of ‘Kerplunk’. Video clips from the project are available on our You Tube channel.

Each morning session involves a nature related quiz or activity, and we end each session by relaxing with the sights and sounds of nature. Sometimes this is a long virtual walk in the countryside, or just a few minutes of mindfulness with a beautiful nature film or some recorded birdsong.

We are delighted to announce that in 2025, thanks to additional funding, we will be expanding this project and delivering monthly sessions for the Chatty Chums lunch club in Gravesend, as well as at Meadowside.

This project has developed through various forms, supported by several different funders, including: Kent Community FoundationInvolve Kent, and KCC members.

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