Photo of Common Lizard

Wildlife Activities and Challenges

Interested in giving wildlife a helping hand then have a go at our wildlife activities and challenges which can be done in your garden or in your local park/woods.

Helping Nature at Home

Please download our guides which give you all the instructions you need for creating homes for nature in your garden.

Making a Mini Pond: Make a mini pond

Making a Hibernaculum: Make a hibernaculum

Making a Mini Meadow: Make a mini meadow

Making a Leaf Mould Cage: Make a leaf mould cage

Making a Solitary Bee Home: Make a solitary bee home

Making a Bird Box: Make a bird box


I Spy Activity Sheet

How many birds, minibeasts, trees and plants can you find and tick off around your garden or local green space? The more you find the more points you score in this I Spy activity which encourages exploration and improves wildlife identification skills I Spy Activity Sheet

Bird ID Challenge

Brush up on your ID skills by seeing how many of the birds on our handy ID sheet you can spot in your garden or local green space? Did you see any that weren’t on the list? Bird ID Challenge

Signs of Spring Scavenger Hunt

How many of the signs of spring can you find on the list and tick off whilst out for a daily walk? Signs of Spring Scavenger Hunt

Tree ID Challenge

Now that spring is properly underway and trees are fully in leaf why not learn how to identify the different species we have in the UK using our tree ID sheet. How many can you see when you venture out as part of your daily exercise? Tree ID Challenge


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